How To Make The Best Cannabutter On The Planet

Eight simple steps to making some of the best marijuana butter around.

Generally when cooking with marijuana, “cannabutter” is going to be one of the primary ingredients in most of your marijuana-infused recipes. Creating cannabutter could be called an extraction technique because the THC is first extracted from the cannabis and then infused with the butter.

Before getting started here are a few things to bear in mind. The stronger the marijuana that is used the stronger the cannabutter will end up being, so please plan accordingly. To learn more about how to calculate the THC potency in your marijuana recipes check out our article on how to properly measure the THC dosage in your marijuana recipe.

Another important point to remember is that when you want to make the highest quality marijuana infused butter, the butter is only going to be as good as the weed you used to make it with. The key is to not only use pure and preferably organic premium ingredients but also, and just as importantly, to cook on low temperatures and for very slowly. By infusing the butter with cannabis over low heat for long periods of time and ensuring that it never comes to a boil you allow the THC to become fully activated and at the same time avoid burning the dried cannabis herbs.

Equipment you will need:
• Large saucepan or pot
• Whisk
• Large glass bowl or heat resistant container
• Strainer or sieve to fit over the glass bowl
• Cheesecloth
• Spatula
• Plastic wrap or airtight container
• Butter Knife
• Glass Jar (to store the finished cannabutter)

Ingredients you will need:
• 1 pound unsalted organic butter
• 2 cups of pure filtered water
• ½ ounce of dried and ground cannabis buds, or 1 ounces of dried and ground cannabis leaf trim. Both options should be decarboxylated.

(Note: The actual amount of cannabis that should be used depends on the THC content of the cannabis strain you are using and your specific dosage requirements)

To properly decarboxylate your cannabis (which is the process of activating the THC), place the ground cannabis on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. Bake at 240° F. / 115° C. for 30 to 40 minutes, mixing every 10 minutes to ensure that it bakes evenly.

Cooking method:
Step 1
In a medium to large saucepan bring 2 cups of water to a simmer on the stove (just below a boil). You can vary the amounts of water used, but be sure that the ground marijuana is floating at least 1 ½ – 2 inches from the bottom of the pan to help avoid burning it.

Step 2
With the water simmering just below boiling point, (generally medium heat), place the organic butter in the water and allow it to melt completely.

Step 3
With the butter now melted reduce the heat to low and bring the water and butter mixture to a slow simmer. Next whisk in the marijuana thoroughly. Cook for the next three to five hours mixing every 1 ½ hours or so. The longer you cook it for the more thoroughly the  THC will be extracted into the butter. You can add additional warm water if needed.

Step 4
While the cannabutter is cooking prep your strainer and glass or heat resistant bowl to strain the mixture when it’s finished cooking. Line your strainer or sieve with a double layer of cheesecloth and place the strainer over your bowl.

Step 5
Once the butter is finished cooking strain the marijuana butter slowly by pouring it through the strainer and cheesecloth into the bowl, careful not to spill. Once your pan is empty, pick up the cheesecloth from all four sides and squeeze out all of the remaining butter into the bowl. You can also use a spatula to gently press down on the cheesecloth in the strainer to help extract all the cannabutter.

Step 6
Next allow to cool on its own and then cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and place it into the fridge until the butter has separated from the water and risen to the top. The butter will be solidified on top of the water below, (generally allow to cool at least 2-3 hours, or even overnight). The THC will now have been extracted and attached to the butter.

Step 7
Remove the bowl from the refrigerator and discard the water. Slide a knife around the edges and lift the cannabutter out of the bowl. Place upside down on your work surface and scrape off any remaining cooking water. Your cannabutter is now ready for use!

Step 8
Finally transfer your cannabutter into a glass jar for storage in the fridge.

Now you’re ready to cook up a batch of marijuana brownies with you cannibutter.

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